New and improved signs coming to Metra Quiet Cars

You asked and we listened. Metra will be unveiling new signs soon in its Quiet Cars. The new signs will combine the universal “shhhh” symbol – a finger covering closed lips – with the hours and basic rules. We will also add a larger sign on the modesty panels below the upper deck seating, which will include more information about the Quiet Car rules.  

Metra is also reminding all onboard personnel of their responsibility to make announcements about the Quiet Cars and to hand out discreet reminders to customers who are unaware they are in a Quiet Car or are not familiar with the Quiet Car rules. We hope this makes the Quiet Car rules easier for everyone to understand and follow.

Customers will start to see the new signs in the coming weeks. It will take some time to complete the installation of new frames and posters on all cars.